Learn What It Takes To Drive Traffic From Youtube

If you don’t know by now that list building should be your primary objective, you’re either a new marketer, or you haven’t been listening. Why to you think the old adage remains… The Money is in the List? Because it’s true! List building should be your primary goal.

Both versions of Perry’s song are amazing. Check out the video here and let me know what you think. Does Mike Tompkins do a better version than Darren Criss? Leave your comments here and check back to see what others think.

This video makes me laugh every time I see it. Whenever I am in a bad mood I play this and I always feel better. It’s a video of a chubby kid riding a rollercoaster. He can barely fit in the seat right and his straps aren’t fastened properly. So when the coaster really starts going, he begins slipping out of his seat. He then freaks out of course and his aunt just laughs at him. It is a little mean of his aunt to laugh at him, but he flips out so much it’s difficult to not laugh. You just have to watch it to understand.

Anytime you send people that you don’t target to your list building page, it’s a crapshoot. Sometimes, you’ll get an opt-in and most times, you won’t. An example would be of a billboard, right? You’re driving down the highway and you see a billboard for snowboarding. That’s pretty cool for some people, but if you’re 70 years old, do you think it will interest you? Probably not. The odds are that it won’t. So, do you think that billboard ad will ever make a septuagenarian go out and buy a snowboard? Does the ad have any chance of success with the majority of those people? Nope. Not a bit.

Unfortunately, many marketers try to skip ahead or jimmy-the-lock so to speak in an attempt to jump in head first, when it comes to berita hari ini marketing. Others luck up and get there first video to go viral, but are confused when follow up videos crash and burn in failure. But they the handful of video marketers take the time to learn the formula to viral news marketing and quietly rake in huge profits. And they do this while their competitors spend small fortunes on advertising and promotions.

PR – send a press release and articles which describe your video, you can also translate your video to voice and distribute it by audio publishers on the web. Using PR messages can get you better results.

Faith based marketing can help you earn some traffic for your website. But there are certain limitations in this case which might have an effect on your marketing strategies. So choose the best way to take your business to new heights.