9 Eco Friendly Activities To Keep Your Kids Busy This Summer

Your brain needs constant stimulation to keep it in good shape. A brain that isn’t utilized loses its edge in thinking. It slows down and loses its power. It is important to have some sort of brain activity to keep your brain functioning in good shape in order to stimulate it for success. Brain activities are great ways to do so. Below, we will take a look at some brain activities that can help your brain become powerful and have control of its own.

This is a simple exercise designed to build trust and communication skills. It can be performed inside or outside and doesn’t require any special equipment. First prepare the mine field. This is simply a matter of placing objects on the ground like balls or Styrofoam cups or plates within a designated “field”. Next randomly pair up members of the team. You can draw names out of a hat if that works for you. The idea is for one member to negotiate the mine field with their eyes closed based on the guidance of the second member. So basically you have one team member who cannot see or talk being led by another who can both see and talk but who must not touch or physically guide the other.

Clearly convey – Don’t keep the participants in dark about the event. Clearly conveying the WIIFM (What’s in it for me), ensures better attendance and commitment towards the event. They are adults, don’t keep them guessing. More often than not surprises fall short of the expectations.

For a typical team building program for youth, be ready to have multiple games and Team bonding activities Singapore to mix things up. Creative ideas come in handy to keep their attention span.

This kind of instant feedback can strengthen the resolve of a small team much easier and faster than it can with a large Team building activities. The value of team building is simply, on one level, the results. When there is less inter-competitiveness within a team, the team will perform better and more efficiently too. This is easier to achieve with a small team.

Snowflakes: Give a sheet of paper to each child. Allow them to look at all the papers and see they are the same. Get each child to fold the paper the same way, creating the design needed for a paper “snowflake.” Once this is done each child is told to cut the snowflake out, creating the paper snowflake.

After school activities play an important role but some parents get a bit too carried away about this and book their child in way too many activities – don’t do that. The most important thing is that your child should have fun. Otherwise the whole point is lost.