The Best Boy Cat Names: Choosing Your New Pet’s Ideal Name

Two friends since the second grade, formed a musical duo back in high school and started writing lyrics over homemade beats. Fast forward to 2012, that duo is becoming a hot name in the lyrical hip-hop scene here in the Michigan music industry. Chaotic Concept has been spending countless hours behind the scenes learning the industry and making progress, not only musically but creating a large fan base.

Have fun and be creative. One way to engage and keep the interest of your reader is to be sure to keep your memoir interesting. It’s not a day-to-day account; instead a memoir is a presentation of a collection of amusing anecdotes or stories.

One day, Hou Yi visited his friends in Mount Kunlun and he was lucky to run across the Empress of Heaven Wangmu. Wangmu presented to him a parcel of elixir to praise his contribution of shooting suns. The elixir can help one ascend immediately to heaven and become a celestial being. Hou Yi gave the elixir to his wife Chang E to keep. When Chang E hid the parcel in her treasure box, it was seen by Peng men.

CC: It’s hard to label the scene, especially for hip-hop. The West Coast and East Coast have these iconic rappers and conjure very specific sounds. The Midwest has famous artists from Chicago and Detroit, but there’s so much outside of these cities. It’s a place that’s very open to various musical styles and fans adore artists. Your favorite act doesn’t roll through the Midwest as often as L.A. or New York, so when they come, we make sure to show love and prove that we can go as hard as the rest of them.

Unique cat names. This is probably the most challenging and diverse category of boy cat names, and also one of the most enjoyable to explore. Unique cat names range from more obscure historical and recursos retoricos to unique foreign words and unexpected everyday objects. (This latter example, of “unexpected everyday objects” is increasingly common if you let a child name the cat. With children given free reign, you may soon have a pet named Toaster. Get ready!) It can also be fun to search for a new moniker online based on the name’s meaning first rather than its sound.

CC: We’ve gained quite a following in the Midwest? Someone should have told us! We’re definitely still coming up in the industry, and it’s a challenging process. Lately we’ve been putting in a lot of work behind the scenes. Contacting producers/rapper/other artists for collaborations, trying to book shows, and marketing. There’s actually a lot to do behind the scenes, and we’re still learning about how it all works.

In contrast to auto-biographies that focus on hard facts, memoirs allow a certain amount of creativity. Some memoirs even include fiction (like Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts), or stretching of the truth.

I compiled this list by searching for each of the Williams on a number of search engines and ranking them by the number of web pages, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc that are available online.